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List of Homes That are Safer to Tour in Rochester MN

Justin Schwirtz

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

Apr 7 2 minutes read


The current global pandemic has forced buyers & sellers to take extreme safety precautions as of recently when touring homes.  There is no doubt, that the safest type of house to buy right now is a vacant one.  So we've put together a list of a few homes that will make our showing easier to tour during this time of social distancing.

, is





 a vacant one. Here are our top 10 vacant homes for sale in Rochester.




This the current list is short but their are more..  So if you're  interested in looking for more properties that are safer to tour or a list outside of the Rochester area we'd be happy to help assist you with customizing your home search. 

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