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Does Where You Live Affect Your Love Life?


Does Your Home Affect Your Love Life?

Justin Schwirtz

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

Feb 7 2 minutes read

Does Home ownership equal Marriage Material?  

Are your roommates or parents affecting your romantic relationships? 

Is moving the right move for love?

Renting vs Owning?

Owning a home seems to be the traditional American dream, but it’s not a deal-breaker. It seems almost 2 out of 3 of adults say that owning a home doesn't  have any significant advantage in terms of "attracting" potential dates.  But yet around 28% of adults "prefer" someone who owns a home.  Digging deeper,  when breaking down the genders 36% of Women say they have a preference for dating someone who owns a home and only 19% of Men prefer to date a homeowner.

Does Home Ownership Equal Marriage?

Owning a home shows commitment. But, being a homeowner doesn't necessarily mean that your interested in marriage. 43% of unmarried adults in the US say that owning a home is not an indication of someone's desire to be married or serious. However, millennial's do have a higher percentage of equating home ownership to commitment and stability.

Have Roommates?

The 3rd wheel..  62% of those asked, say they would prefer date someone who lives by themselves. Interesting fact:  most men prefer to date women who live alone in a city and most women prefer to date men who live alone in the suburbs.


Living With Your Parents?

Not hard to believe that your prospective dates don't necessarily like that your mom still does your laundry.  Even though having parents as roommates can be a good financial choice, kiss them goodbye when it comes to romantic relationships.

Lets Look at the Stats

Is moving the right move for love?

Take the first step towards being "marriage material".

e your move


Of unmarried adults that would be open to dating someone who lived with their parents


Of people prefer a date who owns their property


Of renters that are willing to consider living with a significant other in order to save money


Of people prefer to date someone who lives alone