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Best Sledding Hills Rochester MN

Justin Schwirtz

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

Dec 15 3 minutes read

The Best Sledding Hills in Rochester, MN

Rochester, Minnesota is a great place to live, but searching for sledding in wintertime can be challenging. The city has a few hills that are good for sledding, and many of them are located in city parks or other public areas. Here are some of the best sledding hills in Rochester:

1. Judd Park Located in Country Club Manor on the North West side of Rochester, Judd Park is the most popular spot for sledding in Rochester. The park has a large hill that is perfect for sledding and it is also surrounded by beautiful scenery. The park also has other amenities, such as a playground, and basketball courts.  Located just off of 3rd St NW Rochester in County Club Manor. Location: 3812 3rd St NW, Rochester, MN 55901

2. Pinewood Ridge Park  Located on the Southeast Side of Rochester Pinewood Ridge Park is tucked into the Subdivision of Pinewood Ridge with a path off of the cul-de-sac of Peterson Ln leads you to the playground and the top of the hill that goes toward the pond at the bottom.   Location: 2884 Peterson Ln SE, Rochester, MN 55904

3. Silver Lake Skate Park Silver Lake Park has a spot in Rochester with a more minor sledding hill. The park has a hill that is better for the younger kids, it’s smaller and located near the skate park going down towards the soccer fields. The park also has a playground on the other side of the parking lot.

Location: 840 7th St NE, Rochester, MN 55906

*If you know of a hill we should add please let us know and we’d be happy to add it to our list. 

Other mentions:

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Looking for a little more than a sledding hill?  Here are a few Ski, Snowboarding, and Tubing options around the area.

Welch Village Ski area 60 min drive 

Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch - Snow Tubing  20 min drive

Coffee Mill Ski Area 50 min drive

Steeplechase Tubing 30 min drive


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